Welcome to SSPIC's Brazil Hotline
Thank you for contacting us. This channel was developed so that different situations may be reported to our company.
Submit your report Follow your reportThank you for contacting us. This channel was developed so that different situations may be reported to our company.
Submit your report Follow your reportThis Hotline is managed by an independent company, KPMG Brazil, that possesses the required experience so that information about situations such as misconduct, fraud and resource deviation can be reported in a safe manner and, if so wished, anonymous. We assure absolute secrecy of the information received through this channel and the adequate treatment of each reported situation.
We are here to listen to you. Be it identified or anonymous, feel safe to register all the facts that must be acknowledged by our company. We will receive and treat all information in a responsible and ethical way. Oh, and do not forget to write down your support ticket to follow the complaint.
Submit reportWould you like to know your report status? Click the box below, input the support ticket and see the information that will appear on the screen. You can also add new information, documents, photos and videos, as well as respond to questions made by us to ease the conclusion.
Follow report© 2024 KPMG assessores LTDA., a brazilian limited liability company and a member firm of the KPMG network of independent member firms affiliated with KPMG international cooperative (“KPMG international”), a swiss entity.